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Knowledgebase : Developer

Problem: I use the Visual Basic command Application.ActivePrinter = "Win2PDF on Ne00:" to set Win2PDF as the active printer, but when I try to use it on another computer Win2PDF is on "Ne02" so the assignment fails.  Why does the &qu...
Problem: How can I automate printing a Microsoft Word document to Win2PDF? Solution: The following sample code uses Microsoft Word and Win2PDF to create PDF files. The sample code bypasses Win2PDF's File Save dialog. Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "...
QUESTION: How can I convert an HTML to PDF from a script? ANSWER: The following PowerShell script uses Internet Explorer to render and convert an HTML file ( in the example) to PDF: $ie = new-object -com "InternetExplorer.Applicat...
Problem: How do I use a custom page size in Visual Basic 6? Solution: The following knowledgebase article and sample code from Microsoft shows how to use a custom paper size from Visual Basic:
Problem: Is it possible to detect if Win2PDF Pro has been installed rather than Win2PDF standard edition? Solution: If Win2PDF Pro is installed, a registry value named "version" will be present at the following location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOF...
Problem: Is there a way in which we could tell when Win2PDF has finished printing? Solution: If you use the PDFPostFileName registry setting to specify the file name instead of PDFFileName, you can check for the existance of the registry value to determi...
This code sample will append the MS Access report "rpt_ReportToAppend" to the existing PDF file "c:OriginalPDF.pdf" resulting in the new PDF file "c:FinalPDF.pdf" 'set the output file name for the merged file SaveSetting "Dane Prairie Systems", "Win2P...
You can merge two Access reports manually using this can also programatically merge two PDF files following this sample
Question:How do I create a PDF/A file when using the "PDFFileName" registry setting to set the output file name?Answer:To set PDF/A as the output type, set the "PDFFileName" file name extension to ".pdfa" instead of ".pd...
Question: Is there a way to programatically determine if an email has been sent correctly when using the Win2PDF Mail Helper? Answer: The Win2PDF Mail Helper writes the status result to the registry in the standard Win2PDF registry locations. The value n...
Question: How do I send the PDF to a paper printer after the final PDF is created? Solution: Win2PDF can automatically print the final PDF to the Windows default printer if you set the "Print PDF" option in the "file options" settin...
Problem: When setting an e-mail recipient using the PDFMailRecipients registry setting, I get the following error message: "Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients. No transport provider was available for delivery to this recip...
Problem: When sending PDF files in a batch process using the Win2PDF Mail Helper, some PDF files are attached to the wrong email. Solution: The problem occurs because the Win2PDF Mail Helper sends email asynchronously. When the next print job in a ba...
Problem: I'm using the registry to specify a filename and I launch Microsoft Word with the OLE ActiveDocument.PrintOut() method. The files it creates are invalid. Sometimes they are 0 bytes, sometimes they are small files with a header and footer but miss...
Problem: How do I programatically create a landscape PDF? Solution: If you're using Visual Basic, you can use the Orientation property of the Printer object to set landscape as in: 'set landscape orientation Printer.Orientation = vbPRORLandscape  If you...
Problem: We are using VBA to automate the creation of a Word 2003 document. If the user presses Cancel while in the "Win2pdf file save" window, the "Win2pdf file save" window appears a second time. Is there a way to enable "Canc...
Problem: How do I set the the "security permissions" registry setting to disable printing, copying, and modifying? Solution: The "security permissions" are described on the following page: [1] ...
Problem: Can Win2PDF email PDF documents automatically without user interaction? Solution: Because of security restrictions in most e-mail clients including Microsoft Outlook, you can't send e-mail without user interaction when using a MAPI client interf...
Problem:Is it possible to set the default printer to Win2PDF using the registry? Solution:You can set the default printer from the registry by modifying a string value named "Device" to the following string:Win2PDF,winspool,Ne00:The registry v...
Problem: How do I set the PDF file name from a .NET application? Solution: You can set the PDF file name using the PrinterSettings.PrintFileName property as in: PrintDocument.PrinterSettings.PrintFileName = "c:\aFile.pdf" PrintDocument.Pr...
Problem: How can you set the PDF file name from a C++ MFC application so the PDF file name will be created with no user interaction? Solution: You can use the DOCINFO structure to specify the PDF file name in the CDC:Startdoc function as described at t...
Question: How do I set the Win2PDF as the active printer in Visual Basic 6.0? Answer: The following routine sets Win2PDF to be the active printer: Private Sub SetWin2PDFActivePrinter()  Dim Prt As Printer  For Each Prt In Printers  If InStr(Prt.Device...
Problem: How can I set the current printer to Win2PDF from Microsoft Access? Solution: The following article from Microsoft shows how to change the current printer:
Problem: Is there a way to silently uninstall Win2PDF? Solution: You can execute the uninstall program with a "/SILENT" command line parameter to suppress the uninstall dialogs. The uninstall program for Win2PDF is at the following location on 64 bit ...
Problem: How can a custom application specify the PDF file name? Resolution: Detailed information on specifying the output file name is in the Win2PDF user guide at: [1] Links: ------ [1] http...
Problem: Is there a way to use the registry to specify the PDF file name from multiple processes on the same PC? Solution: If the processes are running under different user accounts, you can use the HKEY_CURRENT_USER locations in the registry to specify ...
Problem: I have a Visual Basic 6 application that runs in the background to print MS Word documents to Win2PDF. When the program is run interactively it works fine, but when it is scheduled as a service under an account with Network and Administrator acce...
QUESTION: Can Win2PDF be used from a Windows Service? ANSWER: Yes, with the following limitations: * The file name must be specified by the application using either the Windows API [], the P...
Problem:Do you have any Visual Basic examples for appending a PDF file? Solution:The following Visual Basic example shows how to append the PDF document named "c:\appendfile.pdf" to a new PDF document named "c:\test.pdf".   'spe...
Problem: Do you have any Visual Basic examples for applying a PDF watermark to a newly created PDF file? Solution: The following Visual Basic example shows how to apply a PDF watermark named "c:tempwatermark.pdf" to a new PDF document named "c:temptest...
The SaveWin2PDFDword routine used in this example is listed on the following page: [1] The following example enables the "Send PDF" option, sets the email subject, sets the email address, sets the ema...
Problem: Do you have any sample code showing how to send email without user interaction from Microsoft Access? Solution: The following sample shows how to email without user interaction using the Win2PDF Mail Helper application. You need to install and c...
QUESTION: Do you have an example for printing to Win2PDF from VB.NET? ANSWER: You can set the PDF file name in .NET using the information in the following article:
Question:How can I convert an HTML document to PDF using VBScript? Answer: Sub SetPDFFile(strPDFFile) Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002 strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Dane Prairie Systems\Win2PDF" strComputer = "." Set obj...

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