Win2PDF can't directly add a signature to a PDF, but you can add a
signature using the free Adobe Reader software. The article "How to
Add a Signature and a Date to a PDF File
Question:Can Win2PDF enable commenting in a PDF so that viewers can add comments using Adobe Reader? Answer:This feature is only available in Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional or Adobe Acrobat 9 Standard, and is not supported by Win2PDF. We're not aware of an...
Problem: How do we add a digital or electronic signature to a PDF file
created with Win2PDF? Solution: Win2PDF does not support this
directly, but you can use a third party application to add a digital
signature to a PDF file. Some companies that support...
Problem:How can I disable the Adobe Reader toolbar "Save a copy" button in Win2PDF Pro? Solution:The PDF password security defined by Adobe can prevent copying to the clipboard, but it does not prevent saving an entire copy of the PDF file. If ...
Problem:After creating a PDF file with some permissions disabled using Win2PDF Pro, Adobe Reader 7.0 shows that the permissions are still enabled. Solution:Adobe Reader 7.0 will not apply permissions unless a "master password" is set in the PDF...
Problem:Is there a way to prevent someone from searching a PDF file created by Win2PDF? Solution:Enabling document security and supplying a password using Win2PDF Pro will prevent PDF indexing programs such as Google from indexing PDF files.
Question: What type of encryption does Win2PDF Pro support? Answer:Win2PDF Pro uses encryption that is defined by Adobe in the PDF specification. It uses RC4 encryption when 40 bit encryption is enabled, and it uses AES encryption when 128 bit encrypti...