How to prevent copying text from a PDF file
Posted by Sue Lebakken on 20 April 2017 08:46 AM

If you want to create a PDF that protects from copying the text, Win2PDF has several ways of handling this.

Standard Win2PDF:

1) If your document is mostly text you can choose to print as file type "PDF Image Only - monochrome (PDF)" from the Win2PDF File Save window.   

2) If you have Win2PDF 10 : First use Win2Image to create a TIFF or JPEG file and then reprint to Win2PDF.  To convert to an image, print the document to the Win2Image Printer, select the image type and check "View File".  The new image file will open in your default image viewer.  Reprint the image to Win2PDF and save as a regular PDF file.  This will protect the text in the PDF file from being copied but can result in much larger PDF file sizes.

Win2PDF Pro :

There are security options built in to our Win2PDF Pro product.  To prevent copying of text or graphics in the PDF file, go to "PDF Options" from the Win2PDF File Save Window.  Under the Security tab, uncheck "Allow text and graphics to be copied"

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