Version 10.0.170 download link:
- Fixed a problem printing to JPG when the document contained a large number of pages.
- Fixed a missing file install error on Windows 11 if the Windows "XPS Services" feature is not installed.
- Dramatically improved the performance of the batch convert feature by processing files in parallel.
- Added support for Windows 11 on Arm, including Copilot+ PCs and laptops using Qualcomm Snapdragon X processors and Windows 11 on Apple M series processors using Parallels Desktop for Mac.
- Added support for Windows 11 on ARM processors including Copilot+ PCs and laptops using the Qualcomm Snapdragon X Plus and Snapdragon X Elite processors.
- Added support for "formattedtxt2pdf" command line to create a PDF from fixed width text.
- Fixed a problem with RTF to PDF conversion.
- Improved reliability of auto-rename with search fields.
- Fixed incorrect paper sizes in TIFF to PDF for some TIFF files.
- Added support for the Windows copy count API. Setting the number of copies will create multiple files equal to the number of copies selected.
- Added support for Unicode characters in Auto-name search and content fields.
- Added Win2PDF Desktop app and command line support for Windows on ARM devices.
- Added support for "pdfaimagemono", "pdfaimagegrayscale", and "pdfaimagecolor" to batch convert and merge command lines to support creating PDF/A image only formats.
- Added "imagepdfa" variation of "imagepdf" command line to create PDF/A image only.
- Fixed a problem that caused split file sizes to grow for some types of files.
- Fixed a problem that could cause corruption when appending or applying encryption to certain PDFs.
- Improved command line error handling.
- Fixed an exception error that could occur when sending an email from the Win2PDF Desktop app.
- Added subfolder support to the Batch Convert feature and BATCHCONVERT command line (Win2PDF Pro).
- Added optional margin parameters to HTML2PDF command line.
- Added SIGNWITHSTAMP command line to sign a PDF with a certificate and include a signature bitmap (Win2PDF Pro).
- Added optional width and height parameters to the following command lines ("TIFF2PDF", "JPG2PDF", "PNG2PDF", "BMP2PDF", "GIF2PDF", "IMAGE2PDF").
- Improved DOCX to PDF conversion in the DOCX2PDF command line and the Batch Convert DOCX to PDF feature (Win2PDF Pro).
- Added new command line support to print document and image files to a Windows printer ("PRINT", "PRINTDOCX", "PRINTRTF", "PRINTODT", "PRINTTXT", "PRINTHTML", "PRINTSVG", "PRINTXPS", "PRINTTIFF", "PRINTJPG", "PRINTPNG", "PRINTBMP", "PRINTGIF").
- Fixed a problem in the Auto-rename feature when search fields contained invalid file name characters.
- Added "PDF Image Only - monochrome searchable (OCR PDF)" and "PDF Image Only - color searchable (OCR PDF)" save as types and "Configure Auto-name" file types to convert documents with custom text encoding that prevents searching. These can be useful when using Auto-name search fields.
- Fixed a problem with Auto-name when using "User Defined" and content search fields as folder names.
- Added support for running the Win2PDF Pro TSE Watch Folder and Convert feature as a Windows service.
- Fixed a problem converting some XPS files.
- Fixed a problem printing to TIFF when the document had a large number of pages.
- Added support for batch converting to a single merged PDF.
- Added a new command line option PRINTPDFACTUALSIZE to print a PDF with no scaling.
- Added a tray selection option to the command line PRINTPDF command.
- Added support for batch converting DOCX, DOC, RTF, ODT, and TXT files to PDF (Win2PDF Pro).
- Added DOCX, DOC, RTF, ODT, and TXT conversion formats to the watch folder and convert. (Win2PDF Pro)
- Added new command lines DOCX2PDF, DOC2PDF, RTF2PDF, ODT2PDF, and TXT2PDF (Win2PDF Pro).
- Added new input formats DOCX, DOC, TXT, RTF, ODT and new output formats DOCX, RTF, ODT, and XPS to the CONVERTTO command line (Win2PDF Pro).
- Added support for exporting a PDF as DOCX, RTF, and ODT (Win2PDF Pro).
- Added new command line PRINTPDFDIRECT to print a PDF directly to a printer that supports "Direct PDF" printing.
- Added support for importing and exporting Win2PDF settings to the Win2PDF Desktop Application (File -> Settings), the EXPORTSETTINGS command line, and the IMPORTSETTINGS command line.
- Added support for PDF bookmarks using the ADDBOOKMARK command line, the ADDBOOKMARKAFTERSEARCH command line, and the DELETEBOOKMARKS command line.
- Added support for removing a trial license to the Win2PDF Desktop Application (Help -> Remove Win2PDF License).
- Fixed a problem with batch converting when the temp folder contained more than 65535 files.
- Added support for converting SVG to PDF to the CONVERTTO command line, the batch convert feature, the watch folder feature, and the SVG2PDF command line.
- Added new command line GETCONTENTSEARCHES.
- Added new feature to split pages before search to Win2PDF Desktop and SPLITPAGESBEFORESEARCH command line.
- Added page size parameter to HMTL2PDF.
- Added support for adding a watermark or background to an existing PDF to Win2PDF Desktop (requires Win2PDF Pro).
- Added support for changing security options of an existing PDF to Win2PDF Desktop (requires Win2PDF Pro).
- Added support for converting from PDF to TIFF or PNG with transparent backgrounds (Export PDF to TIFF, Export PDF to PNG, Batch Convert, Watch Folder, and command lines PDF2TIFF, PDF2PNG, CONVERTTO, BATCHCONVERT, WATCHCONVERT).
- Fixed a problem scaling watermarks to the full page.
- Added support for converting PDF to transparent PNG and TIFF.
- Fixed a Win2PDF Pro licensing problem.
- Added a Watch Folder feature to Win2PDF Pro TSE.
- Added XPS Viewer support to the Win2PDF Desktop App.
- Added new WATCHCONVERT command line to automatically convert files placed in a specified folder.
- Added new Batch-Convert feature and BATCHCONVERT command line to Win2PDF Pro.
- Added new Auto-rename feature.
- Fixed a problem that could cause Win2PDF to freeze when printing.
- Added support for HTML2PDF and XPS2PDF command lines.
- Added "Web Page To PDF" support.
- Fixed a problem enabling the "Always append" option from the Win2PDF Desktop "Configure Win2PDF Auto-Name" window.
- Fixed a problem with "Delete after sending" when using the Win2PDF Desktop SMTP mailer.
- Added support for SIGN command line to sign a PDF using a digital certificate.
- Added support for SPLITPAGESAFTERSEARCH command line to split pages based on a PDF search fields.
- Fixed a paper size problem in IMAGEPDF command line.
- Reduced file size when using the JPG2PDF command line.
- Fixed a problem printing a landscape PDF to a paper printer from the Win2PDF Desktop App.
- Added support for command line JPG2PDF, PNG2PDF, BMP2PDF, GIF2PDF, and Image2PDF.
- Fixed extract and delete page range problem.
- Added support for the Thunderbird email client.
- Added Send Mail feature to Win2PDF Desktop
- Added TIFF2PDF and IMAGEPDF command line.
- Added support for the "pagecount" command line option to return the number of pages in a PDF (
- Added support for page range in PDF2TIFF command line.
- Fixed problem with scaling feature.
- Removed support for Google Cloud Print. Google has deprecated Cloud Print and will turn off the service in December 2020.
- Added the ability to save directly as TXT.
- Added support for setting email fields based on content based naming.
- Add support for up to 3 different content based naming search words.
- Added "Split Pages", Export, and visual content based naming field definition features to Win2PDF Desktop.
- Added support for allowing links in watermarks, and only applying watermarks to the first or last pages.
- Added support for content based file naming.
- Added support for configuring the Win2PDF file save name.
- Added support for Google Cloud Print as a print destination for the "Print File" option (requires Google Chrome).
- Added "Post Action Nowait" and "Default Post Action Nowait" registry settings to launch an executable after PDF creation without waiting for the application to complete.
- Added "%PDFIncrement%" variable to the Auto-name feature (requires "User Defined" setting).
- Added configurable retries if a file is in use.
- Added feature to Win2PDF Desktop to extract text from a PDF
- Added %PDFMinute5%, %PDFMinute10%, %PDFMinute15%, and %PDFMinute30% variables to the auto-name feature to allow always-append to append within the given minute interval.
- Added support for 256 bit encryption for Win2PDF Pro
- Added JPEG2000 compression for color images
- Improved text quality for PDF Image Only (monochrome)
- Fixed problems password protecting or applying watermarks in Windows 10 build 1803