Our newest release of Win2PDF 10 build 154 is now available on the Win2PDF Download site. Changes include:
- Added support for batch converting images and documents to a single merged PDF and batch merging existing PDFs to a single merged PDF. (Win2PDF Pro)
- Added support for running the Watch Folder and Convert feature as a Windows service. (Win2PDF Pro TSE)
- Added new command line support to print document and image files to a Windows printer ("PRINT", "PRINTDOCX", "PRINTRTF", "PRINTODT", "PRINTTXT", "PRINTHTML", "PRINTSVG", "PRINTXPS", "PRINTTIFF", "PRINTJPG", "PRINTPNG", "PRINTBMP", "PRINTGIF").
- Added a new command line option PRINTPDFACTUALSIZE to print a PDF with no scaling.
- Added a tray selection option to the command line PRINTPDF command.
- Added "PDF Image Only - monochrome searchable (OCR PDF)" and "PDF Image Only - color searchable (OCR PDF)" save as types and "Configure Auto-name" file types. Useful when converting documents with custom text encoding that prevents searching, particularly when using Auto-name search fields.
- Fixed a problem in the Auto-rename feature when search fields contained invalid file name characters.
- Fixed a problem with Auto-name when using "User Defined" and content search fields as folder names.
- Fixed a problem converting some XPS files.
- Fixed a problem printing to TIFF when the document had a large number of pages.
This Win2PDF 10 update is a free upgrade for Win2PDF 7 and Win2PDF 10 users. If you purchased Win2PDF before October 2009, you can download Win2PDF 3.5 for free. If you would like to evaluate one of the new Win2PDF Pro features (PDF watermark, PDF security, batch-convert, auto-rename, or watch folder), contact us for a free 30 day trial of Win2PDF Pro.